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When you sponsor an event you are expected to offer funding or products and services to support the event. Usually, it makes sense to offer something that your company sells or service you can provide.

When the Rescue Run approached Brandstand to sponsor their event we were delighted to help. The Rescue Run is an adventure race through Woodhill Forest, Auckland. Teams of six people carry a stretcher through a 15km course that simulates different disaster zones including an earthquake, flood and mudslide. Each team raises money for local emergency services such as Fire, Ambulance, USAR or Coastguard, and the money raised goes back to that particular charity and helps to save lives.

As Brandstand’s core business is all about signage and display systems, we knew we could help Mark and his team by providing all the Corflute signs, inflatable displays, flags and helmets required for the event. We were also keen to take part and so, with much trepidation, Brandstand entered a team! By entering a team it not only shows commitment to your sponsor it also shows your support and enables you to become involved in the whole event.

Here are 5 reasons it makes sense to get involved:

Brand Visibility

Sponsorship puts your brand in front of a large audience who may not have heard of your business. The bigger the event, the more press and social media you may get before, during and after the event. Make the most of this visibility and make sure your company shares posts regularly to get maximum exposure. On event day make sure that you get photographs of the event and images of yourself taking part as these are great to share on your social media page and website.

Consumer Perception

We all know that customers form positive opinions when a business is tied to a high profile event. Customers will automatically assume that your business is reliable and reputable just because you have sponsored such an event. A 2016 survey from the Event Marketing Institution found that 74% of consumers were more likely to buy products after exposure to a branded event. So make sure when you sponsor an event that you get maximum exposure on the day and have your logo visible for others to see.


Community Goodwill

Strengthening your business image is one of the most valuable benefits an event can give you. Customers love brands that care and that put themselves out there into the local community. It’s one thing to sponsor an event and another to actually take part. By sponsoring and participating in an event, you not only show goodwill in monetary terms but also in community involvement, thus helping boost customer loyalty.


Business Relationships

Making the most of other businesses involved in the event is a great way to form new relationships in a non-competitive environment. Make sure you attend any networking opportunities and talk to people at set-up and on the day as these connections could stand you in good stead for future work.


Content Strategy

Event sponsorship provides some exciting and fresh content for your website or social media pages. If you don’t shout about it then no-one will know, so it’s important to maximise exposure while you can. Before an event there will always be a build-up so why not run a countdown campaign and let your followers see what you are donating and how you are involved. Making a video of your efforts or posting photos not only sells your products but also shows your commitment to the job.

Post-event is another prime time to showcase your company and get as much exposure as possible. Use imagery of the event and, if possible, get some video to share. If you have been raising money, make sure that you let everyone know how much you raised and where the money will be spent.

Sponsorship is something that every company should consider. Taking part shows further commitment. The Brandstand Brigade was a team of six individuals, all at different stages of their lives, but as a team, we pulled together and had an amazing event. Here are some shots from the day. In total, our team raised $3400.00 and this will be going to the Fire and Emergency Services.



The event as a whole was a massive feat, and the organisation and quality of the course were all down to Mark and his team who worked tirelessly day and night to get the course ready. In total, the event raised $336,000 and this will all go to helping save other people’s lives.

The Rescue Run really was a fabulous event and one that Brandstand would love to be involved with again next year!

Did you know?


We work with our sister company in Sydney to deliver truly Trans Tasman campaigns. The combined team will take care of all the production,  project management and logistics in both New Zealand and Australia, ensuring your budget is optimised and your stress levels are reduced! 
