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So what are your options?

The simplest solution is probably a large screen playing interesting content – it’s better than nothing but its not exactly unique!

Consider using an iPad or tablet device on your stand so that people have to press the screen and make choices in order to learn about your brand. These apps are now simple and inexpensive to create.

Social Sharing has become very popular, so perhaps set up a themed photo kiosk and invite people to have a humorous picture taken and then share it.

A competition that relies on skill, perhaps a PlayStation game where people compete to win prizes by getting on the leaderboard. This is a great option because those not playing can watch others compete and those competing can really engage. To take it one stage further,  there are various companies that have created games which can simply be re-skinned with your branding making it more unique to you.

A competition that relies on chance, like a spin to win board or even a simple business card draw. This normally creates a little fun and engagement and is less threatening for some than a competitive game!

The great thing about most of these options is that they also provide a simple method to MEASURE attendance/engagement at your stand. You want to be able to prove the ROI you gained from attending an event and these methods provide irrefutable numbers.

Even if all you end up doing is giving away a free coffee, at least count the cups in the bin, or turn the bin into a game and ask people to vote on something with their cup!

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